Immunotherapy biotech, scientific team build
Case study
The overview
Our partner, a start-up immunotherapy biotech with backing from a leading pharmaceutical company, was working on a T-cell platform. They engaged us to help build out their scientific team within their first 3 months of business.
The challenge
As a start-up, the organisation was seemingly high-risk, so the main challenge was to address a lack of brand recognition. We needed to educate and reassure potential candidates of our partner’s values and aims as the company still consisted of just board members but had a strong platform and the necessary funding to take the products into clinic. They perceived themselves as being entrepreneurial in nature, with a collaborative mentality, and wanted like-minded people to work with them. They had neither the time nor the resources to recruit internally, so partnered with us within their first month of business.
The solution
We ensured that a strong relationship was established immediately with the COO and CSO to agree and forge a path that would suit the highly strict timelines they had set. They allowed exclusivity, enabling us to promote a consistent message to the market.
We carried out extensive talent mapping to identify candidates who were technically suitable. All candidates were met and a highly selective shortlist was sent weekly to our partner, along with a detailed report about each individual. This meant they were only presented with the highest quality candidates, which enabled us to reach the points of hire much faster than they anticipated.
The outcome
- Through working with us, our partner made 5 senior hires
- Within 6 months, they had grown to 16 people, which was unprecedented
- We educated the scientific professional community about their business and plans moving forward, building a pool of exceptional talent for their future needs
- The organisation has now partnered with us across their commercial and clinical divisions, consolidating the relationship further